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The reputation, expertise, and professionalism of the judges are ultimately what makes one drinks competition to stand out over another. You can have the best products in the world enter, but if you don’t have panels of judges with the know-how and ability to assess them then you are not going to have a drinks competition worth entering.
It’s why the USA Wine Ratings, that rewards wines for what they taste like, their value for money, and what they look like, only uses professional wine buyers that are involved in buying wines every day in their careers.
Wines are being analyzed in exactly the same way that a wine buyer would consider any new product that came across their desk, be it in a supermarket chain, liquor store chain, specialist wine store, or restaurant or bar group.
The USA Wine Ratings competition relies on buyers that have the commercial experience to quickly determine which wines have what it takes to not just win a medal, but appeal to a shopper walking down a drinks aisle or standing in front of a bar.
Buyers with the background of Bob Paulinski who as a Master of Wine is a qualified expert in his field with many years of experience buying wine, starting off his own wine shop, before working for a wide range of operators, from Sam’s Club, Walmart, BevMo! to being head of sourcing at the Coles Group. He now runs his own direct-to-consumer wine subscription website, Stellar Bottles, which specializes in finding family-owned, small-scale artisanal wineries from the world’s classic and most up-and-coming regions.
It means he is having to analyze 1000s of wines a year to pick the ones he knows are going to appeal the most to his customers, who are looking to him to send them a regular delivery of wine they can rely on.
Here Paulinksi explains what he is looking for in a wine, and why he is so pleased to be taking part in the USA Wine Ratings competition.
Bob Paulinksi MW - 2021 USA Wine Ratings Judge
As a teen, I landed a job in a wine store, doing everything from stocking shelves to driving a truck. There, I became friends with a semi-retired night manager who was an uber wine geek. One day while he was having a late-night supper in the shop's office, he called me over to join him. He said, "Polish boy, I have a wine for you to try” and handed me a glass.
But when I tasted it, I nearly wretched. He knew that would be my reaction and burst out laughing. I was pissed off. When I settled down, he gave me a copy of Alexis Lichine's Encyclopedia of Wine, the go-to text of its day. He told me to read about what we had just tasted and we'd discuss it the next day.
I begrudgedly did what he asked. I slowly began to discover that wine was much more than a beverage. It covered a wide array of personal interests including, science, art, business, politics, even religion. Over the next few years, we tasted and discussed most of the wines in the shop. After five years, at the age 23, I opened my own wine shop that I had for 16 years. The business was sold in 2002, the year I became a Master of Wine.
I'm currently involved in several projects. I own Stellar Bottles, a B2C ecomm business. I also consult on five projects that primarily touch on supplier networking, brand building, and technical advising for final blends.
My career and lifestyle are one. Over the years, I've built a network of business connections, some of whom have become good friends. My work has allowed me to live in many places in the US, along with Australia. It's also allowed me to travel broadly around the world.
Staying current. The wine world is always changing. It keeps it interesting, but one is never fully up to speed on what's happening around the world.
People are drinking more, mostly at home. I also believe there is a heightened interest in wines that are less manipulated.
I've known Sid Patel, the founder, for some years. I've judged at a couple of his competitions when I lived in Melbourne. The USA Wine Rating event is unique. The wine quality is being judged, but so is the packaging. This should add value and allow for feedback beyond other competitions.
It means we are able to provide broader, more actionable feedback for the wine producers entering their wines into the competition.
Buyers will all have their own approach. For me, I look for wines that represent their place of origin. I do not buy on personal preference.
It's simple. This is a well-run event that provides useful feedback.
Yes, it's one piece to the much larger puzzle.
Grow your wines in the off-premise channels of the USA. The international submission deadline is May 31, 2025, and the domestic submission deadline is June 30, 2025. Here is how to enter.